Scientific Committee, Institutional and Local Authorities
Session 01. Megakaryopoiesis and platelets – basics and new aspects breaking the paradigm
Chair: Laura Gutiérrez
University of Oviedo – ISPA, Oviedo
Megakaryopoiesis and development
Pavel Davizón Castillo
Bloodworks Northwest Research Institute and University of Washington, Seattle (USA)
C3G, a new player in megakaryopoiesis and platelet function
Carmen Guerrero Arroyo
IBMCC, Universidad de Salamanca, IBSAL, Salamanca
New insights in Platelets and the Immune Continuum
Rick Kapur
Sanquin Research, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Megakaryocyte homeostasis and immune cell crosstalk
Florian Gärtner
Department of Medicine I, LMU Klinikum, Munich (Germany)
Coffee break
Session 02. Immune Thrombocytopenia
Chair: Inmaculada Soto Ortega
HUCA – ISPA, Oviedo
Old and new treatment options for ITP: promoting production and fighting destruction
María Eva Mingot Castellano
Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla
Tapering of medication in the ITP patient: rationale and update
David Valcárcel Ferreiras
Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona
Refractory ITP & personalized ITP treatment – Round Table
Inmaculada Soto Ortega
María Eva Mingot Castellano
David Valcárcel Ferreiras
Session 03. Platelets in disease (within and beyond hemostasis)
Chair: Patricia Martínez Botía
ISPA, Oviedo
Inherited thrombocytopenias: much more than a disorder of platelets
María Luisa Lozano
Hospital General Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia
Platelets in Haemophilia
Ángel Bernardo Gutiérrez
HUCA –ISPA, Oviedo
Platelet signalling - acetylation
Antonio Moscardó Martínez
IIS La Fe, Valencia
Proteomics insights to platelet phenotype and function
Joseph E. Aslan
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland (USA)
Platelets as mirror of the health status
Patricia Martínez Botía
ISPA, Oviedo
Coffee break
Session 04. Breakthrough in diagnostics and treatment of platelet dysfunction
Chair: Daniel Martínez Carballeira
HUCA – ISPA, Oviedo
Diagnostics: from functional assays to sequencing
José Rivera Pozo
Hospital General Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia
Antiplatelet treatment in cardiovascular disease
José Rozado Castaño
HUCA – ISPA, Oviedo
Treatment of platelet production defects (neither more, nor less): TPO receptor agonists, kinase inhibitors and cytoreductors
Daniel Martínez Carballeira
HUCA – ISPA, Oviedo
Gene therapy and Bernard Soulier syndrome
Pedro Real Luna
GENyO, Granada
Session 05. Platelet-based therapy and platelet-derived bio-products
Chair: María del Carmen Muñoz Turrillas
Centro Regional de Transfusión de Toledo-Guadalajara
Molecular profiling of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and platelet secretomes
Andrea Acebes Huerta
PlaBiTe - ISPA, Oviedo
Platelet-based products in Traumatology
Judit Fernández Fuertes
HUCA – ISPA, Oviedo
Platelet-derived bio-products in the treatment of ocular pathologies
Jesús Merayo Lloves
University of Oviedo
University Institute Fernández-Vega, Oviedo
Coffee break
Extracellular vesicles in disease and platelet concentrates: A proteomics perspective
Ángel García Alonso
Centro de Investigación en Medicina Molecular y Enfermedades Crónicas (CiMUS), Santiago de Compostela
Application of platelet-based bioproducts in reproductive medicine
Alicia Francos Pérez
Clínica EMBY, Oviedo
Safety of platelet-derived bio-products: Zooming into pathogen reduction treatments (PRTs) and platelet transfusion
María del Carmen Muñoz Turrillas
Centro Regional de Transfusión de Toledo-Guadalajara
Closing remarks (Scientific Committee)
Flute Ensemble from “Ángel Muñiz Toca” Music Academy.
Conductor: Rubén Martínez Bastián.
Music selection during the event by Zenepha L.G.
Scientific Committee, Institutional and Local Authorities
Session 01. Megakaryopoiesis and platelets – basics and new aspects breaking the paradigm
Chair: Laura Gutiérrez
University of Oviedo – ISPA, Oviedo
Megakaryopoiesis and development
Pavel Davizón Castillo
Bloodworks Northwest Research Institute and University of Washington, Seattle (USA)
C3G, a new player in megakaryopoiesis and platelet function
Carmen Guerrero Arroyo
IBMCC, Universidad de Salamanca, IBSAL, Salamanca
New insights in Platelets and the Immune Continuum
Rick Kapur
Sanquin Research, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Megakaryocyte homeostasis and immune cell crosstalk
Florian Gärtner
Department of Medicine I, LMU Klinikum, Munich (Germany)
Coffee break
Session 02. Immune Thrombocytopenia
Chair: Inmaculada Soto Ortega
HUCA – ISPA, Oviedo
Old and new treatment options for ITP: promoting production and fighting destruction
María Eva Mingot Castellano
Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla
Tapering of medication in the ITP patient: rationale and update
David Valcárcel Ferreiras
Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona
Refractory ITP & personalized ITP treatment – Round Table
Inmaculada Soto Ortega
María Eva Mingot Castellano
David Valcárcel Ferreiras
Session 03. Platelets in disease (within and beyond hemostasis)
Chair: Patricia Martínez Botía
ISPA, Oviedo
Inherited thrombocytopenias: much more than a disorder of platelets
María Luisa Lozano
Hospital General Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia
Platelets in Haemophilia
Ángel Bernardo Gutiérrez
HUCA –ISPA, Oviedo
Platelet signalling - acetylation
Antonio Moscardó Martínez
IIS La Fe, Valencia
Proteomics insights to platelet phenotype and function
Joseph E. Aslan
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland (USA)
Platelets as mirror of the health status
Patricia Martínez Botía
ISPA, Oviedo
Coffee break
Session 04. Breakthrough in diagnostics and treatment of platelet dysfunction
Chair: Daniel Martínez Carballeira
HUCA – ISPA, Oviedo
Diagnostics: from functional assays to sequencing
José Rivera Pozo
Hospital General Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia
Antiplatelet treatment in cardiovascular disease
José Rozado Castaño
HUCA – ISPA, Oviedo
Treatment of platelet production defects (neither more, nor less): TPO receptor agonists, kinase inhibitors and cytoreductors
Daniel Martínez Carballeira
HUCA – ISPA, Oviedo
Gene therapy and Bernard Soulier syndrome
Pedro Real Luna
GENyO, Granada
Session 05. Platelet-based therapy and platelet-derived bio-products
Chair: María del Carmen Muñoz Turrillas
Centro Regional de Transfusión de Toledo-Guadalajara
Molecular profiling of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and platelet secretomes
Andrea Acebes Huerta
PlaBiTe - ISPA, Oviedo
Platelet-based products in Traumatology
Judit Fernández Fuertes
HUCA – ISPA, Oviedo
Platelet-derived bio-products in the treatment of ocular pathologies
Jesús Merayo Lloves
University of Oviedo
University Institute Fernández-Vega, Oviedo
Coffee break
Extracellular vesicles in disease and platelet concentrates: A proteomics perspective
Ángel García Alonso
Centro de Investigación en Medicina Molecular y Enfermedades Crónicas (CiMUS), Santiago de Compostela
Application of platelet-based bioproducts in reproductive medicine
Alicia Francos Pérez
Clínica EMBY, Oviedo
Safety of platelet-derived bio-products: Zooming into pathogen reduction treatments (PRTs) and platelet transfusion
María del Carmen Muñoz Turrillas
Centro Regional de Transfusión de Toledo-Guadalajara
Closing remarks (Scientific Committee)
Flute Ensemble from “Ángel Muñiz Toca” Music Academy.
Conductor: Rubén Martínez Bastián.
Music selection during the event by Zenepha L.G.